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Tablelands in Gros Morne

Tablelands in Gros Morne

Explore the Spectacular Tablelands | Our Favourite Place !!


If you’re looking for an unforgettable outdoor adventure, look no further than the Tablelands in Gros Morne National Park. This unique geological formation is a must-see for visitors to the park, and since we spend so much time hiking on them we wanted to share some of our knowledge with you. In this blog post, we’ll explore why the Tablelands are so special, what you can expect on our Tablelands tours, and answer some common questions about this stunning landscape.

What Makes the Tablelands so Special?

The Tablelands are a unique geological formation that are unlike anything else in the world. The red and orange rock formations that make up the Tablelands were once part of the Earth’s mantle, deep beneath the planet’s crust. They were forced to the surface millions of years ago, creating a barren landscape that is unlike anything else in Gros Morne National Park. The Tablelands are also home to a number of rare and endangered plant species, making it a truly unique ecosystem.

Our Tablelands Tours

As the premier outdoor adventure company in Gros Morne National Park, We specialize in tours of the Tablelands. Our knowledgeable and experienced guides will take you on an unforgettable  adventure through the rugged terrain of the Tablelands. You’ll have the opportunity to explore this unique landscape up close, while learning about the geological history and ecological importance of the area. Check out our Hiking tours of the Tablelands.

How Long is the Tablelands Hike?

The Tablelands loop hike is a challenging trek that can take anywhere from  6-7 hours, depending on your fitness level and experience. However, our Tablelands off Trail  and our Tablelands 360° offer a more efficient way to explore the Tablelands. These shorter options give you plenty of time to experience the landscape without the physical demands of a long hike.

What Do Newfoundland’s Tablelands Consist Of?

The Tablelands are composed of peridotite, a type of rock that is rich in magnesium and low in calcium. This gives the landscape its unique red and orange coloration. The peridotite is also responsible for the barren and rocky terrain, as it does not support the growth of many plant species. However, the Tablelands are home to a number of rare and endangered plant species that have adapted to this unique ecosystem.


The Tablelands are a must-see destination for visitors to Gros Morne National Park, and with our knowledgeable guides and unique tour options you get the best opportunity to experience the Tablelands at your pace!!

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Alex Chafe

Professional Guide, Photographer & Dad

Living and working in Gros Morne year round provides me unique insights, and I’m here to share local tips and guides to help you explore this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Discover the best hiking trails, hidden gems, and cultural experiences to make your visit unforgettable.

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